Släktträff i USA

I sommar blir det stor släktträff för Grahn-släkten från Skog. Den släkt som började med tvillingbröderna från Djupdal. Den ene utvandrade till USA och den andre till Skog: Jakob som tog sig namnet Grahn. Senare flyttade även Jokobs ättlingar till USA.
Bilden visar tvillingpojkarnas far Elias Isaksson i Djupdal.

Träffen blir i Malung, utanför Roseau i Minnesota, 19 – 21 juli 2019.
Information på engelska nedan.

Hämta PDF-dokument med inbjudan här:
Grahn Family Reunion 2019_InviteLetter_24Feb2019

Vill du se hur stor släkten är kan du logga in på . Bidra gärna med nya fakta, nya personer som kommit till eller foton av dem som finns där.
Släkten har också en grupp på Facebook som heter Descendants of Elias Isaksson .




Dear Grahn & Lundquist Families,
Welcome back to Northern Minnesota in the Summer!

The weekend prior to the Roseau County Fair has been reserved for the 2019 GRAHN-LUNDQUIST FAMILY REUNION in the Roseau, Minnesota area.  We are hoping that you received a note to ”Save the Date” early last year.
SO! . . . . NOW IT’S TIME TO GET GOING!  Please accept our invitation . . .
You Are Cordially Invited to the

2019 Grahn-Lundquist Family Reunion

July 19, 20, & 21, 2019 at the Malung School Community Center (the Old Malung Schoolhouse) located 4 1/2 miles south of Roseau on Highway 89 and 2 miles east on County Road 2 (you’re almost there . . . . watch for reunion signs leading to the old Malung schoolhouse)

We are mailing this letter ONLY to a select number of Lundquist cousins, our Grahn aunts and uncles, and to our first cousins. We would appreciate very much if you would please forward copies of it to your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.  Please make sure to review the attachment and include with your forwards.  There is time-sensitive information included that requires quick turn-around.

We would also appreciate donations to help defray the costs incurred by the committee in preparation for the reunion.  Checks can be made payable to the 2019 Grahn-Lundquist Reunion and sent to Anne Erickson at the address below:

Mrs. Anne Erickson
33575 230th Avenue
Badger, MN  56714

We look forward to this time together and hope that many of you that have been here before, or perhaps that have never been to a Minnesota Grahn Reunion, will consider coming.  We would love to have you!

Very truly yours,



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