My Grahn roots

I, Stanley, am the only decendent of the Grahn family still living in Skog. But my name isn’t even Grahn because it goes in my maternal line. Anyhow here are my roots in the Grahn family.

Stanleys Grahn roots:
Anna Brita & Jakob Grahn
Lovisa (Risberg) & Alfred Grahn
Lilly (Grahn) & Alex Nilsson
Märta (Nilsson) & Gustaf Almqvist
Elin (Westlund) & Stanley Almqvist

Four generations on the maternal side: from left: Lilly, Lovisa Grahn, young Märta och Hjärtrud Risberg.

My grandma Lillys siblings:
Lilly Nilsson

Bo Grahn
Lisa Hellkvist
Brita Grahn
Seth Grahn
Ruth Arnflo
Axel Grahn
Kristina Markusson
August Grahn
Ingvar Grahn
Margareta Öberg

Lillys children: Olle, Gunnar, Maths and Märta.

My grandma Lillys parents Alfred and Lovisa Grahn. Alfred with his typical face, inherited by his sons and Lovisa who resembles her daughters, and great granddaughters. 

Lilly and Alex Nilsson in front of their new house on their homestead. (Where we now live.)

Next generation is the daugter Märta who was born here. 

The third generation Stanley och Elin Almqvist in the same house.


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